Saturday, January 1, 2011

Different Feeling Than Yesterday

Yesterday was not only the last day of 2010, but it was also the last day of working at the bank for me.  Although I was sad to leave the people that I have worked with for four and a half years, I am so thankful to be out from under the reign of the depression, stress, and unhappiness that the job brought me.  I got so tired of the emotional roller coaster ride.  Bottom line, everyone there is beginning to hate their jobs and they are all looking elsewhere for opportunities, I just happened to be the first one to call it quits. 

Good news for all of you though... I can now share some of the crazy stories from the bank.  Good news to those who are in my everyday life... I think that leaving the job will make me a nicer person!  I regret to say that I have not been the most delightful person to be around for probably the last three years or so.  And a big "Thank You" for putting up with me during that time. 

Hopefully the new year will not only bring a change of jobs for me, but also a new outlook on life.  There has been a lot of drama during the last year and I wish that 2011 will prove itself to be a better one.  I am excited to see what will happen, and pray that everything works out.

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