Friday, April 8, 2011

Welcome to The Use of Labels

Princess Pencil Puzzle welcomes the use of labels on her blog.  Labels are basically links that will put all of one type of blog into a database.  Therefore when you come to my blog wanting Takegaki puzzles,  all you have to do is click the "Takegaki" label on the left column of the blog.  This will bring up ALL Takegaki puzzles that I have on the blog and rules and maybe even a Takegaki help page.

All of my blogs that are puzzles have been labeled and can be found in the left column of the blog.  You can also follow the label by clicking the link below the blog.  For instance, if you are looking at a Zig-Zag puzzle, then there is a link below the blog entry that says "Zig-Zag" for you to find more Zig-Zag puzzles and information.

Good Luck and Happy Puzzling,
Princess Pencil Puzzle

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