Thursday, February 3, 2011

Princess Pencil Puzzle and a Smart Phone

My phone pretty much bit the dust a couple of months ago.  Only able to talk on the thing for 5 minutes at a time and sometimes turning off the phone completely when I ended a call, I knew that I needed a new one.  I had that phone for about 5 years as it was. 

I was convinced that I didn't need a phone with 3g or 4g network and apps since I had internet at home and other devices to entertain me such as a Kindle, a laptop, and an Ipod.  All I needed was a phone with texting.  I did not want to be attached at the hip (literally) to a phone like everyone around me seemed to be.  They call it a "crackberry" for a reason.  It's takes all I can do to get my husband not to look at his Blackberry and pay attention to me during a half hour dinner. 

When I got to the Verizon store, the sales associate informed me that all of the phones had some kind of net access and that all the phones were moving to the smart phone app based technology.  Therefore, I had no choice but to get a phone that had more than talk and text.  Bummer... then my thinking is if I'm going to do it, I better go all out.  Thus the life changing purchase of the Droid Incredible!

Of course the first app I look for is a logic pencil puzzle based app.  And I had settled on "Slice It!", a game where you split the shapes into smaller parts within a certain amount of slices.

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